Sanusi Izihaq Popular called Apa Beautiful Wife pictures finally surface online.

The Pictures of APA and his wife was shared by his sola Olaibi Gaji on his Instagram page.

He shower prayer on the newly wedded couples.

He wrote: Congratulations oremi Jonjolo. Omo kata 🤣🤣 @apankufor1 God will continue to bless your home. Watch the Wedding video on YouTube. The link in my BIO.

The video which was shared by Ariyo Oluwakemisola Apesin on her social media page revealing that APA is finally off market as she wed the lover of his life.

She apologize for not making it up to him as early as possible but promise to make more amendment

See the beautiful pictures Below;

"You Sabi Better Thing"– Meet The Beautiful Wife Of Popular Yoruba Actor APA
Apa 1

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